Taco Bell’s New Commercial Stars Guys Named Ronald McDonald Raving About Taco Bell

If only Taco Bell’s, y’know, tacos were as good as their marketing. I’ve already ordered 17 A.M. CrunchWrap bed sheets, and damned if I didn’t get a chuckle out of their latest commercial, in which guys named Ronald McDonald from all over the country profess their love for…Taco Bell. It’s a fairly brilliant way of calling out your main competitor (I mean, besides liquid meat-induced death) without actually calling them out.

The marketing campaign is intended to promote Taco Bell’s new breakfast menu, which features novelties like a waffle taco. The chain, owned by Yum Brands Inc., is looking to boost sales by opening most of its roughly 6,000 U.S. stores a few hours earlier at 7 a.m. starting this week. (Via)

McDonald’s plans to retaliate by force feeding a Big Mac down Taco B.M. Monster‘s throat.