Every Indie Rock Band Ever (And Ginuwine!) Will Be In ‘Parks And Rec’s Festival Episode

Two important things I learned about Parks and Recreation today:

1. The (former) drummer in Mouse Rat? That’s Mark Rivers…who was in Letters to Cleo.

2. Season six will conclude on April 24th with the Unity Festival, featuring a killer lineup of Wilco’s Jeff Tweedy, the Decemberists (last heard on The Office), Ginuwine (Tom’s gonna FLIP), Letters to Cleo, and Yo La Tengo, my favorite Simpsons-referencing indie rock band named after something once said by a New York Mets outfielder. How was Michael Schur able to book YLT? Bobby Knight, that’s how.

“There was a total throwaway joke [in ‘New Slogan’] where Andy discovers Duke Silver and tells Ron, ‘You’re going to play the Unity Concert, I have you on right after Bobby Knight Ranger. It’s a Night Ranger cover band that wears red sweaters.’ One of our writers, Donick Carey, is very good friends with the band Yo La Tengo, who are one of my favorite bands, and he emailed them and said, ‘Hey, do you guys want to play Bobby Knight Ranger?’ And they were, like, ‘Sure!’ So Yo La Tengo makes an appearance as Bobby Knight Ranger, playing ‘Sister Christian.’” (Via)

But will they finally save Tony Orlando’s house?

Via AV Club