What's On Tonight: The One-Hour Return Of 'The Mindy Project'

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (ABC, 8 p.m.) — The cyborg Deathlok returns! I don’t know why I used an exclamation point there. Deathlok’s previous appearance wasn’t that exciting.

The Mindy Project (Fox, 9 p.m.) — There will be no New Girl tonight, so we’ll have to wait to completely process last week’s crushing episode. In the meantime, Mindy returns with a one-hour spring premiere.

Trophy Wife (ABC, 9:30) — Raising Hope is over. Enlisted has been pulled. Don’t let it also happen to the cutest sitcom on television.

About a Boy (NBC, 9 p.m.) — Basically at this point, I’m holding on for the crossover episode with Crosby from Parenthood. I’ll give the show until then, but if it hasn’t improved, then I’m done.

Cougar Town (TBS, 10 p.m.) — The fifth season finale means that the season is finally over and so is my loyalty obligation to watch it. It’s kind of a relief.

Justified (FX, 10 p.m.) — The description says that “Boyd and Duffy make an unlikely ally.” Who is the most likely choice to play the unlikely ally? It can’t be Steenburgen’s character, because that’s a likely ally. Is it Wendy Crowe. Dewey Crowe? Tim? Raylan? The Ghost of Art?

Inside Amy Schumer (Comedy, 10:30 p.m.) — I know many of you dug the first season. Tonight’s the second season premiere. Now you know.

LATE NIGHT LISTINGS: Amy Schumer is on Letterman promoting her show’s return; Sam Jackson is on Fallon; Kimmel has David Duchovny; ANNA KENDRICK is on Seth Meyers; Seth Rogen is on Conan; and John Malkovich stops by The Colbert Report.