Zooey Deschanel And Joseph Gordon-Levitt Would Like To Hear About Your New Years Eve Plans

I could get behind these two as a couple. The fact that they play around making videos to put on YouTube makes them even harder to not like. Something else for JGL to add to his career timeline, I suppose.

Still, I can’t help but feel sorry for Ben Gibbard. I wonder what he’s doing on New Years Eve? Probably not making YouTube videos with Zooey Deschanel, that’s for sure. Poor Ben Gibbard.

On another note, I wonder if Joseph Gordon-Levitt ever went on a date with that girl with cancer?

And since I’m sure you’re all wondering, I have no idea hat I’m doing on NYE as of right now. However, I know what I WON’T be doing that night…

(Video via Zooey Deschanel’s Tumblr. Fake NYE flier via.)