Pete Holmes Proves That Being Rust Cohle From ‘True Detective’ Ruins Everything (Even Puppies)

If you haven’t had enough of True Detective at this point, The Pete Holmes Show has one more go at making fun of Rust Cohle’s dark world view. Holmes’ impression of Cohle is pretty good, but not the best one you’ll find hovering around this fine site. It gets the job done though and more than gets the point across: Rust Cohle truly is the Michael Jordan of being a son of a b*tch.

If only Marty had asked him about confetti though! And cats. I feel that Rust is probably a cat guy. Take love when you want it and leave it every other waking hour you’re on this cesspool we call a planet. Cold hearts will stick together, probably because of the bits of fluid that haven’t frozen yet.

(Via Pete Holmes)