‘Community’ Recap: 10 GIFs From ‘Basic Story’ That Are Streets Ahead

I have no idea what to say about “Basic Story.” It accomplished the rare feat of being ridiculously packed with plot — Jeff and Britta decide to get married, Subway takes over Greendale, Abed roams the halls looking for plots, Starburns carries around a boombox with Dave Matthews Band, Abed, Annie, and the Dean find buried treasure, Abed, Annie, and the Dean dance (while on cocaine? I think there’s a connection between the “dust” on the scroll that makes them sneeze and their bug-eyed celebration) — while also feeling like a slightly empty prologue to whatever happens in next week’s season finale.

So let’s save our criticisms/praise of “Basic Story” until “Basic Sandwich,” and enjoy Alison Brie dancing now.

1. I love scotch and Alison Brie, so close enough.

2. He’s only 21 away from his dream number.

3. Meta burn.

4. And I’ve got something in my pocket for you.

5. #SaveGreendale.

6. More Annie and Abed giggling, please.

7. This GIF will come in handy.

8. They’re a regular George Michael and Maeby those two.

9. Who danced it better: Britta…

10. …or Annie?