Mindy Kaling Tells Conan About Her Amazing Exercise Fantasies

Mindy Kaling appeared on Conan last night, and talked a little bit about her motivation to exercise — which, let’s face it — is a popular topic of conversation when Kaling appears on a talk show. Instead of working out for the usual actress-type reasons, Mindy concocts elaborate revenge fantasies where say, Michael Fassbender is her husband who gets killed by Nazis and she then has to follow the Nazis to South America and, in her head, the act of exercising is all part of a big training montage to avenge his death.

That’s pretty awesome, I have to admit. Unfortunately that doesn’t so much work when you’re already married to someone who’s still alive and not Michael Fassbender, because any revenge fantasies involving normal married peoples’ husbands are usually the variety of how you’re going to get back at them for leaving their crap all over the house, AGAIN. I mean Jesus H. Christ it’s like a giant squirrel is trying to make a nest out of my entire goddamn living room.

So, yeah. I pretty much just sign up for races to motivate myself.