AC/DC Is On The Highway To Calling It Quits

AC/DC is either about to break up, or j/k nothing to see here. Earlier this week, Australian radio station 6PR received an anonymous email from someone with “extremely good contacts to AC/DC” that “one of the band members is quite ill and has returned to Australia with his family.” The source continued, “AC/DC members have previously made a pact that no band members will be replaced should someone need to leave the band. No more is currently being said, however the particularly ill member of AC/DC’s son has stated that AC/DC may well be over.” The “particularly ill member”: Malcolm Young.

When AC/DC reunited at the start of April to begin a month of rehearsals, in the lead-up to new album recording sessions, Malcolm discovered he couldn’t play. At least, he couldn’t play like he used to play. Nothing has been officially confirmed, as of this writing, but friends and family members have been discussing what happened to Malcolm for the past couple of weeks. The blood clot, resulting from the stroke, is believed to be why Malcolm couldn’t keep working. (Via)

Nothing’s been confirmed, but even if AC/DC is finished (though one could argue they’ve been finished since 1981’s For Those About to Rock We Salute You), their music will forever live on, because god forbid “Highway to Hell” isn’t played every five seconds on the radio.

Via Billboard, via CBC