Lindsay Lohan Claims To Have Had A Miscarriage During The Filming Of Her Docuseries

On the series finale of her docuseries Lindsay, Lindsay Lohan claimed to have had a miscarriage, which she explains was the reason why she halted filming for two weeks and refused to come down from her apartment. So… I’m going to preface this by saying that I have known many women, both family and friends, who have gone through miscarriages and I fully understand exactly how tragic and heartbreaking of an ordeal this is to go through. However, the fact remains that there are two basic truths here: Lindsay Lohan was not romantically linked to anyone before or during the time of filming her docuseries, and Lindsay Lohan is effortless when it comes to not exactly being forthcoming with the truth — as I have pointed out before.

All I know is that whether or not Lindsay Lohan really did have a miscarriage, one thing is for sure: The woman in this video is seriously broken and needs more fixing than an Oprah Winfrey reality show can claim to give her.