The Fake Website For HBO’s ‘Silicon Valley’ Is Better Than Most Real Corporate Websites

HBO’s Silicon Valley is only 3 episodes into its first season and it’s already one of my favorite shows on television. The website based on the fictional company from the show just went live and it already looks better than most sites out there. Here is a little bit of what the fake company is about via Pied Piper:

In its original incarnation, Pied Piper was a songwriter-oriented music app that made it easier for songwriters to determine if their work infringed on other’s copyright. And frankly, we still think that wasn’t a terrible idea, and we were kind of looking forward to doing it, because who doesn’t like music, right?

However, based on user feedback that was suboptimal and on occasion downright mean, we are now currently pivoting to a SaaS model to create a new “compression cloud” solution that covers a far wider user base. This new strategy brings us a clearer path to monetization and helps us even avoid the crappy licensing models for Lempel-Ziv-Welch in .gif files (among others). Because Lord knows, there aren’t enough compressed .gif files in the world that have cats making faces with rap lyrics underneath them.

Even the fake summary of the company is better and more entertaining than most webpages for companies. How about a little about the brains behind the company?

“Chief Executive of Physical Space.” I wish I could’ve majored in that in college. I’m only an amateur.

If you don’t love this entire tongue-in-cheek webpage experience, then I don’t know what to do for you. You’ll notice the character of Dinesh (Kumail Nanjiani) turning around and screen watching? That’s cheating. He probably camps, too. Go on over to Pied Piper and get the full experience.

(Pied Piper Via TechCrunch)