Weekend Preview: A Threesome On ‘Hannibal’? Yes, A Threesome On ‘Hannibal’

Hannibal (NBC, Friday 10 p.m.) — There will be a threesome on Hannibal between Will Graham, Hannibal, and Alana Bloom soon, and rumor has it, it will be tonight’s episode. However, this is exactly why NBC should cancel the series, so Netflix can pick it up and do the threesome — and the horse-birthing scene — justice. (Check back on Sunday for Dan’s recap)

Saturday Night Live (NBC, Saturday 11:30) — This is our first SNL in weeks, and we’ll see what Andrew Garfield can do with the show. Hopefully, it’s half as delightful as his promos, and it will only be a surprise if Emma Stone doesn’t do a cameo.

Mad Men (AMC, Sunday 10 p.m.) — Don Draper vs. Lou Avery. IT IS ON. My guess is that Don Draper will have to eat sh*t for at least two episodes before he turns the tables on Avery.

Game of Thrones (HBO, Sunday 9 p.m.) — Now that the best character is gone for the rest of the season, I don’t even know if this show is worth watching anymore.

Silicon/Veep (HBO, Sunday 10:00) — These two shows are both quietly having amazing seasons. It’s nice to have the Game of Thrones lead in, but on the flip side, nobody talks about anything except Game of Thrones.

Orphan Black (BBC American, Saturday 9 p.m.) — Anyone else think Felix could be a clone? I’m just putting it out there.

The Writer’s Room (Sunday, Friday 9 p.m.) — Good show, if you can spare an hour. Tonight’s episode goes inside the House of Cards writer’s room.

Resurrection (Sunday, ABC 9 p.m.) — SEASON FINALE. I stopped watching due to lack of interest after three episodes, but I might check back in to see what the big mystery was, although somehow I doubt they’ll reveal it.