You Can Stream The Entire New Album From The Black Keys On iTunes Right Now

If you’ve already pre-ordered “Turn Blue” from the Black Keys, then you at least have the singles “Turn Blue” and “Fever” to listen to on repeat, but the wait for the entire album is probably driving the Akron band’s biggest fans insane. “Turn Blue” will be available in stores and for download next Tuesday, May 13, but since we’ve all been good little lonely boys and girls, the album is streaming on iTunes Radio for free right now. This also marks the first time that I’ve used iTunes Radio since the first time that I used it, and then quickly forgot that it existed, but this is a very pleasant reminder that it exists.

Also, if you get bored while listening to the stream – and you shouldn’t, because “In Time” is a delightful jam – you can join me in reading all of the YouTube commenters who are complaining on the video for “Fever” that they hate when a band sounds different from one album to the next. “How dare these guys make their own music the way they want to,” the guy shouted at his monitor before going back to Avril Lavigne’s “Hello Kitty” and singing along.