George R.R. Martin Told Conan That The Showrunners Like To Kill Off Characters More Than He Does

The fine folks at Team Coco pushed out an early clip of George R.R. Martin explaining to Conan that he writes all his books in WordStar 4.0 on a DOS machine — to the delight of nostalgia nerds everywhere — but they saved the juicy, spoiler-filled Game of Thrones bits for later. In the above clip Conan and GRRM cover a broad range of GOT topics, but they most importantly get into the author’s mindset when it comes to killing characters on the show that he killed years ago in the books. And what it’s like when the showrunners want to take the insanity even further. He doesn’t specifically get into that scene, but it is an interesting look into his dynamic with David Benioff and D.B. Weiss.

More than anything the interview is super enjoyable because Conan is clearly a big fat Game of Thrones geek just like the rest of us. Much like when he covered anything Breaking Bad, the man just can’t hide his enthusiasm for the show. He even goes full spoiler alert to open the segment.

And as a topper we even get Hoboken jokes and Andy hypothesizing about taking dumps on The Iron Throne next to Lisa Kudrow. Um, I mean Lisa Kudrow is next to Andy on the couch while he hypothesizes. Not that she’d be next to him while he takes dumps on The Iron Throne. Although that image is permanently stuck in my brain now.