This Before ‘Game Of Thrones’ Supercut Is A Convenient Excuse To Remember Peter Dinklage On ‘Seinfeld’

Have you glanced over our hefty list of Game of Thrones cast facts and found yourself checking out with a mental “tl;dr” about halfway through? You know, reading being so exhausting and all. Well, today is your lucky day because Buzzfeed has put together this convenient compilation of all the places you’ve seen those familiar Game of Thrones cast members before, complete with clips of where you’ve seen them.

Bottom line, this is all basically an excuse for re-watching the Dinklage-Seinfeld wake-up guy clip because people should be reminded of that daily. Honorable mention: Jason Mamoa (Iaone?) on Baywatch Hawaii. It’s like the five second clip equivalent of a Khal Drogo embarrassing yearbook photo.