CBS Still Hilariously Using The Grammy-Hating Bon Iver To Promote The Grammys

As we’ve noted previously, Justin Vernon, aka Bon Iver, loathes the Grammy Awards with the intensity of a million white-hot suns. They’re just waaaay to mainstream and sell out-y for a bearded, emo hipster god from the wilds of Wisconsin.

“I don’t think the Bon Iver record is the kind of record that would get nominated for a Grammy,” Vernon told the New York Times last year. “(If I won) I would get up there and be like, ‘This is for my parents, because they supported me,’ because I know they would think it would be stupid of me not to go up there. But I kinda felt like going up there and being like: ‘Everyone should go home, this is ridiculous. You should not be doing this. We should not be gathering in a big room and look at each other and pretending this is important.”

So I’m finding it endlessly hilarious that CBS is now using Bon Iver’s popularity and indie street cred to promote the upcoming Grammys broadcast. First, they used his image in the official poster, and now they’re using his music is commercials for the broadcast, even though he’s not scheduled to perform or present any awards.

For example…

Certainly, Bon Iver isn’t willingly going along with this, right? Bon Iver would never, ever sell out, WOULD HE?

(HT: Stereogum)