Watch A Badass Metal Vocalist Continue To Sing After Breaking Her Ribs

During a recent show in Europe, Arch Enemy metal vocalist Alissa White-Gluz broke her ribs after crashing through a stage riser, but because she’s a “stubborn f*ck,” she hasn’t stopped performing. White-Gluz’s ribs are still smashed, but she’s still out there every night, giving her guttural all.

Here’s what she had to say about the incident.

Anyone at that show who saw me body slam through the f*cking riser could imagine there would be some damage. But I’m a stubborn f*ck and I waited a few shows before going to get x-rays, ultrasounds, and blood tests. The damage to my head, arms and legs is just bad bruising, there is no apparent organ damage and no internal bleeding. Unfortunately, there is a compound break on one rib and severe bruising around several others. Good news is that the pieces of the rib are well aligned to heal back in place! The doctor forbade me to continue playing shows…But cancelling shows would hurt way worse. (Via)

Two tips of the m/ for you, White-Gluz.

Via Blabbermouth