This 1983 Commercial For Wrangler Jeans Is An Important Moment In History

I don’t want to say this 1983 commercial for Wrangler Jeans is “the most 1980s commercial ever,” in part because the Reddit thread it’s posted in also contains a link to this commercial for Sharp Electronics, which is just leaps and bounds more 1980s. (“CALCULATORS!” “TYPEWRITERS!”) But the Wrangler commercial is important and noteworthy anyway, mostly because of its plot. A man has taken his dog on a trip to the scenic American Southwest for some excessively bouncy off-roading and rock climbing, and he has (a) not brought a change of clothes, apparently; (b) chosen to park his Jeep — A WRANGLER! IN A COMMERCIAL FOR WRANGLERS! GET IT? — in a river while he sleeps; and (c) decided that “living it to the limit” involves bathing while wearing jeans. As one does.

Oh, and the song sounds like a G-rated, easy listening version of “Now You’re A Man” from Orgazmo, so there’s that, too. Good commercial.

Source: Reddit