Liv Tyler Played FMK With Her Co-Stars. Let’s Play FMK With Liv Tyler.

Liv Tyler has been in our lives since 1993, when she appeared in the greatest and creepiest music video of the 1990s. She’s since appeared in some excellent movies, some awful movies, and now, a TV show that is either excellent or awful, The Leftovers. She’s very happy to have gotten the role, not only because it’s been awhile since she’s had such a prestige part, but because she gets to stare at Justin Theroux’s dick. Here is she talking about Jennifer Aniston’s property on Watch What Happens Live.

“There was this scene where he was jogging,” she said. “And there was quite a large bulge in his sweatpants, and it was all over. I get distracted when I watch the pilot, definitely. I’m like, ‘Can’t help but look there.’ But I’ve never noticed the bulge other times.'” (Via)

She also played a rousing game of FMK with her former co-stars, Ben Affleck (f*ck), Theroux (marry), and Orlando Bloom (kill). No arguments here, and now I only think it’s fair to play FMK with Liv Tyler’s characters. WARNING: Empire Records references are coming.


Corey Mason (Empire Records — has any movie aged worse than this one?)

Lucy Harmon (Stealing Beauty)


Arwen Undómiel (The Lord of the Rings)

Faye Dolan (That Thing You Do! — someday I’m going to write 5,000 words on why this film rules)


Grace Stamper (Armageddon)

Maya (Jersey Girl)

Always kill Jersey Girl.