Justin Bieber’s Neighbors Want To Citizen’s Arrest Him Out Of The Building

In case you were wondering — as I’m sure you’re all just on the edge of your seats to find out what Justin Bieber’s next great act of sh*theelery is going to be — yes, Justin Bieber is indeed still terrorizing his neighbors in the Beverly Hills condominium complex he moved into last month. According to TMZ, the cops were called out a whopping SIX times over the weekend, with four of those times being for excessive noise and an estimate of approximately 100 total party guests over the course of the weekend — 75 on Saturday and 20 on Sunday.

The pictures on the rooftop deck tell only part of the story. People in the building tell TMZ … the hallways and elevators reeked of pot.  And several guests say drug use was obvious.

One person says, “There were bimbos lining up to do drugs in the lobby bathroom.”

Law enforcement sources tell us … cops have spoken to residents, Bieber and his management to resolve the situation.

We’re told police informed residents cops can’t make an arrest for a misdemeanor if they don’t see it happen … but the residents can take matters into their own hands by placing Bieber under arrest.

Okay, first order of business: WHAT KIND OF PERSON still uses the term “bimbos”? I am quite serious that I don’t think I have heard anyone say that in at least eighteen years. Exceptional form, Justin Bieber’s pissed off neighbor.

Secondly, no offense to the Beverly Hills Police Department, but that is probably not very good advice to give to Justin Bieber’s angry neighbors. Sure, excessive noise, illegal drug and bimbo problems? Just go on over to the petulant wiener pop star with overzealous bodyguards and a history of fighting with neighbors‘ condo and do some citizen’s arrestin’ of your own. There is no way this possibly could end badly.