Screw Winter. ‘Game Of Thrones’ Emojis Are Coming, And They Are Spectacular.

On the heels of those adorable Seinfeld emojis that you can now get on iTunes, Elite Daily has come up with their own Game of Thrones-inspired emojis, and they are fantastic. Unlike Seinfeld, the Game of Thrones emojis might be a little harder to manage, what with characters constantly being introduced and killed off — you’d probably need an update at the conclusion of each season.

They’re not available for download “just yet,” states Elite Daily, but they will be at some point in the not so distant future. Below are a few of my favorites. Check out the rest of them here.

Daenerys Targaryen:

Three Direwolves:


Valyrian steel:

Tyrion Lannister:

The Iron Throne: