The Award For The Most Misleading Headline Of The Year Goes To…

The banner image is from an article on Huffington Post yesterday about reports from Media Takeout that Los Angeles Lakers forward Lamar Odom and his wife Khloe Kardashian were in a horrific, terrifying, catastrophic car accident and apparently almost died in the process. In fact, Media Takeout called the wreck “DEVASTATING” while describing how Odom’s new car “SMASHED” into a motorcyclist while Odom was DRIVING TO A BARBER SHOP. Sorry, I was bitten by the sensationalist bug there for a second.

In reality, the accident was pretty bad… for the motorcyclist and a pedestrian. Lamar and Khloe – or Khlomar, as they’ve asked me to call them – are just fine.

The cyclist is now in ELMHURST hospital in Queens. Early reports are that a YOUNG BOY – who was a pedestrian IN THE VICINITY when the accident occurred was also SERIOUSLY INJURED.

We’re told that neither Lamar, nor his wife Khloe Kardashian who is in NYC with him, were injured. (Via Media Takeout)

Seriously, the people at Media Takeout write like they have Tourette’s, but the main emphasis in this report is on Khloe being unharmed. Mainly because it would have been remarkable for her to be injured when she wasn’t even with her husband. But I know I shouldn’t be surprised that a tabloid gossip site like MTO would stoop to posting misleading headlines to attract traffic (says the guy throwing out 50-page slideshows of Kate Upton’s big ol’ bags) but I expect a little more out of Huffington Post. I’m not sure why, but I do. As for MTO, though, I think the site’s ambitious headline writing and target audience can best be summed up by commenter, urboysdreamgirl504…

I usually dont lk white girls with black guys cause they try to throw it in our faces…but they are good together and Khloe seems really genuine…Hope all is well with them…

…New Orleans in da bldg…

We all hope all is well with them, urboysdreamgirl504. We all do.