Genki Sudo And World Order Will Make Gorillas Buy Toyota In ‘Jungle Wakudoki’

Genki Sudo and his band, WORLD ORDER are back! Granted, they are back in a Toyota ad, but that’s of no concern to me. WORLD ORDER could put out a video advertising the “Punch Jessica Hudnall Square in the Face” corporation and I’d probably share it at least five times. Plus, the ad includes Tarzans and gorillas, which are surefire ways of making me like a video a lot more.

Their last video, “Have a Nice Day,” got some decent buzz that I’m attributing to my post highlighting it, so hopefully “Jungle Wakudoki” will catapult WORLD ORDER into mega-stardom and Toyota will become the world’s biggest company as a result of their association with Genki Sudo.

Bonus joke: I’m glad to see that even in Japan, retired athletes and car dealerships go hand-in-hand. At least Genki can be his own Wacky Waving Arm-Flailing Inflatable Tube Man (And have better dance moves, too.)