I Hope Foam Cheese Helmets Can Stop Bullets

Here’s the short version: The object pictured above is a thing a real policeman is going to wear, and not something you can get bundled with a Sterling Sharpe train whistle in the team shop at Lambeau Field. The longer version, from the Associated Press:

Official badges of some Green Bay police officers have begun sporting the logo of the NFL champion Green Bay Packers.

Green lettering on the gold badge proclaims, “Green Bay Police” and “Super Bowl Champions XLV.” Smaller green letters remind people of the city’s nickname, “Titletown.”

Department leaders authorized the badge this year after the team won its fourth Super Bowl title. Officers can purchase the badges for use until next August. Officers also can elect to wear the department’s traditional badge.

Along with the new badges, the Green Bay Police Department is introducing a great new retirement plan where you’re allowed to retire, come back, retire again and get transferred to Minnesota.

I hope the “officers can elect to wear the department’s traditional badge” part is supposed to read “officers will continue to wear normal badges” and this Packers logo variant is the one the part-time housewife who answers phones might wear, like Kids First license plates.

[h/t Sportress Of Blogitude]