The New ‘Boardwalk Empire’ Teaser Will Make You Sad Its The Final Season

The series finale of True Blood can’t get here soon enough, not only because Burnsy is slowly going insane while recapping it and we’re all worried about him, but also because once we’re done with Vampire Bill, that mean it’s Chalky time. The final season of Boardwalk Empire kicks off on September 7th, and now we have an “Invitation to the Set” to go along with a terrific trailer.

In the clip below, creator Terence Winter talks about what fans should expect over the final eight episodes. Most of it looks great — as in, it literally looks great, with a lot more color than we’re accustomed to — but I’m curious why with so few episodes left, he decided now’s the time for flashbacks to Nucky’s childhood. We don’t need gaps filled in, we need Capone talking about who dies.