This Is A Post About Kate Upton’s Puppies

If there are two things the internet loves, it’s Kate Upton and puppies. Also, Kate Upton’s puppies—but that’s a whole different post you guys. Last night on Instagram, Kate tagged her beau Justin Verlander on a photo. Here is that important moment.

There are two ways of looking at this.

1) You think this is cute. You think Justin Verlander and Kate Upton are on the fast track to getting married. First doggies, then sex, then doggie sex, then kids. Maybe not in that order, but you get the idea.

2) You don’t think this is cute at all because you’re a Tigers fan who hates Kate Upton and thinks she’s responsible for the downfall of mankind, a.k.a., Justin Verlander’s ERA and them getting puppies signifies the end of his dominance and I should probably step away from the computer for awhile.

Bye guys.