The Teen Tournament On ‘Jeopardy!’ Ended With A Rare Sudden Death Tiebreaker

The Teen Tournament is the off-brand cereal to normal Jeopardy!‘s Cinnamon Toast Crunch, but the week-long event, which mercifully ended on Friday, came to an exiting conclusion. After correctly answering the rare Final Jeopardy question that didn’t make me scratch my head like an oaf in a Looney Tunes cartoon, dueling 17 year olds Jeff Xie and Alan Koolik both had $54,200.

“I knew that I had to get the Final Jeopardy! clue right, and when Alan also gave the correct answer, my jaw dropped because I knew we were tied,” said Jeff Xie. “When the tiebreaker category – the Civil War – was announced, I was excited because history is a strength of mine. When I saw ‘Shiloh,’ I knew the answer, and the rest, quite fittingly, was history.” (Via)

“Quite fittingly.” BRING BACK LEONARD.