Let’s Celebrate Jon Lajoie’s (Taco From ‘The League’) Birthday With Some Of His Finest Music Videos

Hey everyone, it’s Jon Lajoie’s birthday today! Most people are familiar with Lajoie from his character Taco on The League, but of course before that he was known as the Internet Sensation Jon Lajoie. Lajoie’s been releasing hilarious spoofs and comedy bits on YouTube for seven years now, but perhaps he’s best known for his AMAZING music videos, in which he can replicate nearly any music style (although a lot of it is rapping).

So in honor of his birthday, because what the hell, here’s a sampling of some of his best work. Whether you’re new to his work or a longtime fan, please enjoy these selections I’ve gathered together:

“Everyday Normal Guy”

“Everyday Normal Guy” is probably the most famous of all of LaJoie’s music videos, so much so that he made a follow up and then a third to complete the trilogy. It’s the hardest anyone has ever rapped about their perfectly mediocre life and it is spectacular.

Sample lyric: “I get nervous in social situation, motherf*cker!”

“Show Me Your Genitals”

LaJoie spoofs every incredibly sexist rap song ever, but it’s totally OK because he’s “saying it in a song.” In many of his videos, LaJoie wears a “wacky” orange button down shirt and pleated shorts combo, and this was the first appearance of “the outfit.” He made a follow up to this one, as well.

Sample lyric: “I can’t shove my fist in your childhood dreams.”

“2 Girls 1 Cup Song”

The year was 2007. Steve Jobs announced the iPhone. The Departed won an Academy Award for best picture. And “Two Girls One Cup,” a gross out porno featuring two women pooping into a cup, eating the poop and then throwing it up into each others’ mouths became a viral internet sensation. So Jon LaJoie wrote a song about it.

Sample lyric: “Some people say I love you, some people shout it out / some people puke semi-digested sh*t into each others mouth”

“The Best Christmas Song”

When Dustin wrote about this song a couple of years back, he said “This song made me very happy. It also made my ears bleed profusely.” I’m pretty sure the effects are similar to tripping on LSD and if you listen to it nine times or more you’ll be considered clinically insane.

Sample lyric: “Christmas is my favorite Christmastime of the year / bells are jingling and the angels are making Jesus”

“Very Super Famous”

Basically, this song is nearly six minutes of Jon LaJoie singing about all of the different ways he has sex with women around the world due to his “very super famous” status. It’s pretty amazing. The outfit makes another appearance here.

Sample lyric: “Yeah the Eiffel Tower is a lot like my dick / it’s big and it stings when soap gets inside the tip”

“Chatroulette Song”

Poor Jon LaJoie just wants to meet some interesting people on the internet, but unfortunately Chatroulette is nothing but dudes jerking off.

Sample lyric: “Hold on, this guy’s not jerking off / maybe he’s just like me and just wants to talk / hi, how are you / NOPE, there he goes”

“I Can Dance”

LaJoie seems to channel fellow Canadian Bruce McCullough in this one, as a spastic dancer who puts even Napoleon Dynamite to shame. At almost four minutes long, it seems like another one that’s a challenge to get to the end of — but then it suddenly switches gear to become an anti-molestation song. Well played, LaJoie.

Sample lyric: “Some guys have friends and they do high fives / some guys have parents who are still alive / some guys don’t sit when they pee, they stand / I’m not one of those guys, but baby, I can dance”

Kickstarter Campaign Video

This last one isn’t a music video, but I can’t leave out that time LaJoie created a fake Kickstarter campaign to raise $500 million dollars for the express purpose of “becoming super rich.” Had it been a real Kickstarter, he just might have reached that goal, if the potato salad thing is any indication.