What If ‘Game Of Thrones’ Was More Like ‘The Office’?

Game of Thrones has an iconic opening title sequence, one that perfectly sets the table for the dramatic procession of murder and boobs about to unfold in each episode. But give the show something closer to The Office‘s opening theme — as one YouTuber did — and things take on a completely different feeling. Watch the video above for the ridiculous tonal shift, but make sure you stick around for Dwight Schrute’s thoughts on the HBO series at the end of the video.

This hidden internet gem has actually been online since March, but was only recently brought to light by a Reddit thread over the weekend, in which Redditor “abrokenclock” brought attention to “that time Daenerys was so unimpressed she looked directly into the camera like she was on an episode of The Office.” Seldom has a frame of television been more accurately described:

(Via Jean Carlos de Oliveira Miranda; H/T Reddit + BroBible)