Want to Be on the Worst-Sounding Reality Show Ever? It’ll Cost You $50K

Yachts are the fake breasts of the sea. They’re super-sized versions of something perfectly lovely (regular-sized boats and natural boobs), and usually desired by shallow men with something to prove. And because there are already enough reality shows on TV featuring fake breasts, it’s time for one about yachts.

Interested in appearing on the series, called “Below Deck”? As Gawker discovered, it’ll cost you.

Once in a lifetime casting opportunity for an upscale (about to film) docu-series for major cable network about “yachties”—the young, fun, hot crew that live and work aboard this 163′ superyacht (flyer attached). The boat is in St. Martin, and each episode will feature a different group of charter guests getting on the yacht and enjoying the ultimate vacation—it’s all 5-star service and private dinners on beaches that can be accessed only by private yacht and sunbathing on deserted beaches and shopping.

Production company needs a few groups of awesome charter guests – fun people *who will actually pay $50K to go on this yacht for 3 days and be filmed* – they can bring up to 5 or 6 friends — $50K flat — the yacht normally charters for $200,000/week. Group will be flown down to St. Martin, put up for two days, then brought to yacht for a 3-day charter.

The show’s casting website notes that producers are looking for all types of fame whores, including “fun-loving millionaire[s] looking for a baller vacation.” So, if you enjoy balling and paying $50,000 for the, um, privilege of being on TV, here’s your chance. For the rest of us common folk, who aren’t lucky enough to be able to set sail on the “Below Deck” yacht, at least we’ll know the location of The Worst Place on Earth.