ESPN’s NSFW-ish Body Issue: Naked Gymnastics And Awkward Nude Dunking

ESPN The Magazine has released a batch of photos from the 2011 installment of their annual “The Body Issue”, and while full-on nudity isn’t something we can really share with you at With Leather, we can’t see a picture of Blake Griffin dunking with his pants down and not share it with you. It gives the whole “dunking over a car” thing an extra degree of difficulty.

This year’s issue isn’t as conservative as 2009, when most of the athletes were wearing shorts, but it remains tasteful and doesn’t tread near the whole “seeing Patrick Willis’ pubic hair” thing from last year. There are a lot (a lot) of gorgeous women from nearly every corner of the sports world featured, including-but-not-limited-to Hope Solo, LPGA rookie Belen Mozo, foxy roller derby star Suzy Hotrod, the WNBA’s statuesque Sylvia Fowles and the lady pulling a LeBron James in the image up top, Olympic silver medal gymnast Alicia Sacramone. I’m really glad that isn’t LeBron James.

Of course, the following gallery is only a sampling, and you should head on over to ESPN The Magazine The Website to see more, including the pictures I’m not authorized to show you (or, “Wow, time to Wikipedia the sh*t out of Stephanie Gilmore”). Also, consider buying the magazine itself, if that’s your bag. Now please click through and laugh at that weird picture of Jon “Bones” Jones peeing in his swimming pool.

Alicia Sacramone, and the naked gymnastics promised by the headline. You can click the image to make it bigger, but I’ve got to warn you, the censor coin isn’t going to get any more see-through.

Goaltender Hope Solo, in all her glory. You are Gabby Reece for kids who are 15 in 2011, Hope.

/bites fist

Hello, Mozo. I didn’t include the second photo of Belen Mozo from the batch where she’s naked in a tree for two reasons:

1. Being naked in a tree doesn’t look very comfortable, and

2. I’m pretty sure you can see her vagina.

Pro snowboarder Gretchen Bleiler, instantly making me more interested in winter extreme sports than the last 10 years of Shaun White.

A joke about “hang time”.

Who puts a camera in front of a naked guy and says “okay, JUMP UP AND DOWN”?

Oh, right. These guys.

Apolo Anton Ohno, as in “Ohno, I forgot my pants”.

Jose Reyes of the New York Mets, or as I’m going to call him from now on, “Shadowdick”.

WNBA defensive player of the year Sylvia Fowles, doing naked push-ups on the set of The Searchers, for some reason.

I asked Burnsy to censor this image of Jon “Bones” Jones, but I think he might’ve made it worse.

Okay, now ESPN is just trolling me. There is no way Helio Castroneves is an actual guy.

And hey, if a naked guy in a tire swing makes you want to see more, check out the rest of the photos at ESPN. Also, if you know Suzy Hotrod in real life, tell her to call me.