This Woman Is Absolutely Disgusted By An Overall-Wearing Alabama Fan

Thanks to Hal Cohen, 2014 has its entrant for Alabama Fan of the Year. Easily forgotten is the brawling mother from last year’s Sugar Bowl, who was super “Roll Tide,” and now representing the collective stereotype of the Crimson Tide fanbase is this feller who wore houndstooth overalls, a ponytail and flipped snapback, as well as packed a banjo. He has it slung well.

Ms. Dottie Brown*, current resident of Hoover, seems non-plussed by the gentleman to her right, because how did country riff-raff like him make his way to Atlanta? Her question went unanswered before taking her seat–but what a nice seat it is.

Roll god d*mn Tide.

*– Not real name

[The Big Lead]