Marvel Tried (And Failed) To Honest Trailers-Proof ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’

Screen Junkies’ Honest Trailers are something we post a lot of ’round these parts — they’re funny, they’re insightful and, if the comments section is to be believed, they’re a hell of a lot better than CinemaSins’ Everything Wrong With series.

Anyways, apparently we’re not the only ones watching a lot of Honest Trailers. Turns out the co-director of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Joe Russo, is a fan and in fact tried his damndest to Honest Trailers-proof the flick

“I’m an avid honest trailer watcher. […] We used to sit in the room and go, ‘this is not going to end up in an Honest Trailer. This logic isn’t sound enough yet.’ We literally tried to Honest Trailer proof the movie. Because what Honest Trailers really is, and I’ll say litmus test again, is ‘how sound is the logic in your film? How ridiculous are the buys that you’re asking the audience to make?’ So we would just comb through the script over and over again and go, ‘how do we shore up this logic? How do we shore up this logic?’ So it was a very helpful exercise for us.”

Well, points for trying Joe, but Hydra’s super secret, 70-years-in-the-making plan being “let’s send huge, incredibly conspicuous airships around the planet to blast everyone who might be a future threat to us with giant machine guns” was pretty shaky on the logic front. Also, I think this world-manipulating, SHIELD-controlling Nazi cult might have had some issue with Nick Fury forming The Avengers, but maybe that’s just me.

Oh, and hey, look what we have here

Better luck Honest Trailer-proofing Captain America 3, guys.

Via /Film