Mindy Kaling Confirms To Howard Stern That She And B.J. Novak Were Once Boyfriend/Girlfriend

For years Mindy Kaling and B.J. Novak have had a very close relationship, but the exact nature of their relationship has never been public knowledge — whether it was romantic, close friends or close friends with benefits. This has always been a well sought out mystery, as you can see by what happens when you start to type “B.J. Novak” into Google:

Also, people strangely want to know how much B.J. Novak is worth.

Anyway, we’re left to wonder no more (about the relationship thing, anyway), because doing the publicity rounds for tonight’s premiere of The Mindy Project, Mindy Kaling finally revealed to Howard Stern that she and B.J. had in fact been boyfriend-girlfriend. But don’t get too excited, Mindy B.J. shippers, because they broke up years and years ago and now they’re just friends.

“He’s a good friend of mine, yeah. He’s my best friend. He broke up with me,” the FOX star said, remaining vague at first. “It was years and years ago that that breakup happened. I was so sad, not angry, sad. That was the hottest I ever looked ‘cause I stopped eating. When I get depressed, I stop eating. I was so miserable and so beautiful.”

She also revealed that this great love was “pretty damn good” in the sack before Stern declared that this mystery love had to be Novak, 35.

“Yes, you’re correct. Not that you’re Sherlock Holmes, Howard,” Kaling joked. “He’s legitimately one of my best friends. I love him, and I think he’s a great person, but I’m not holding a candle for B.J.”

She also says that she would have married him had he asked her, but she would have married anyone who asked her since she was 24 at the time. (Been there, gurl.) So doing the math, since Mindy Kaling just turned 35, it sounds like they started dating shortly after they were both hired as writers for The Office — and then I guess their personal relationship blossomed along with their onscreen one? Or maybe even inspired it? SO MANY QUESTIONS. RYAN + KELLY 4EVA.

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