If You Want To Date Jennifer Lawrence, You’d Better Love These Terrible TV Shows

The otherwise divine Jennifer Lawrence has terrible taste in men and television shows.

More details from her Vanity Fair cover story have been released, including “5 Things Jennifer Lawrence Is Looking For In a Boyfriend.” Number-one is writers named Josh who love long walks on the beach and Dog with a Blog, obviously, followed by a guy who isn’t afraid to fart in front of her and someone who loves reality TV, culture’s answer to the fart.

And while speaking with Kashner, Lawrence reveals that when it comes to dating, “I would just rather have somebody that has the same taste in reality TV.”

What exactly might that taste entail?

Shark Tank. Wait, Oh, Dance Moms—that is a good one!” she says. “O.K., maybe my favorite is Dance Moms, but I do love my Real Housewives. But there’s also—there’s Doomsday Preppers. Hoarders is O.K. I find it gets a little boring after a while, but it’s great.”

The list goes on: “I love Intervention, New York Housewives—and Beverly Hills, New Jersey, and Atlanta Housewives. I mean, I love them all, but Miami—oh, my God! Miami is really special.” (Via)

Lawrence would later try to save face, telling the Vanity Fair writer that she’s in love with Larry David, “and I have been for a really long time,” but too late; the damage has been done. When she breaks up with that sponge from Coldplay and we go on our first date, I’m going to introduce her to some quality television. Now where did my VHS copy of Homeboys In Outer Space go…?

Via Vanity Fair