The Newest ‘Justice League’ Plot Rumors Reveal The Villains And More

Yesterday we learned when Zack Snyder’s Justice League would hit screens (2017), and we also learned Snyder will direct Justice League 2 for a 2019 release. These will star Henry Cavill as Superman, Ben Affleck as Batman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Ray Fisher as Cyborg, Jason Momoa as Aquaman, Ezra Miller as The Flash, and a not-yet-named actor as Green Lantern.

We heard rumors back in January that the members of the Justice League would show up in a cliffhanger scene in Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice as a lead-in to Justice League. Now Badass Digest confirms this and elaborates on the cliffhanger and the plot for Justice League, specifically which villains we can expect to see.

Spoilers ahead.

[Batman V Superman] will end with the Justice League either assembled or all onscreen, having figured out the big threat facing them. There’s been another villain working behind the scenes of that movie and, as Latino Review reported, it’s Brainiac. That’s your Justice League villain, and my sources tell me that he’ll be defeated by a team that is made up of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Aquaman and The Flash. Then at the end of the movie Green Lantern shows up and is like, “Guys, there’s a big bad guy from space coming your way,” and the Justice League is like, “Nah, brah, we got it already,” and Green Lantern is like, “Dudes. DUDES. It’s Darkseid.”

Whoa. That dialogue even reads like Zack Snyder wrote it. Uncanny.

Anyway, it makes sense for Snyder to helm all of these if they’re tied together so closely. Badass Digest adds that he’ll be filming both Justice League movies back to back. They also revealed it’s Superman’s Kryptonian beacon that’s drawing these interstellar beings to Earth. They also confirmed a few other things, including the rumor that Aquaman is angry at Superman because the World Engine placed in the Indian Ocean by Zod wreaked havoc in Atlantis. Careful, Supes, he’ll straight-up Brick you.