Jake Gyllenhaal is currently doing a good job at making me like him. I’ve always been fairly lukewarm on him after being forced to sit and watch October Sky in high school. It’s a fine movie, but it’s the principle of the thing and he’s forced to face the brunt of that.
Now he’s got a lot of good under his belt, including Zodiac and the extremely exciting Nightcrawler, so I’ve softened my stance. His talk show run this week has helped too, including his bullsh*t scare on Ellen and incredibly weird water war on Fallon. Here is talking to Conan about the awkward Halloween costumes his father would create for him when he was a kid.
I’d kill to go out as a house or juice box on Halloween. They’re far better costumes than random scary guy, drugstore Jason, or Reebok ninja. The only problem with Gyllenahaal’s costumes is knowing how to get out of it to take a piss. White tights aren’t going to allow for an on the go pissing experience, so you’re going to have to plan ahead.
(Via Team Coco)