The 200th Episode Of ‘Supernatural’ Will Be A Meta ‘Musical’ Episode, Because Of Course It Will

Can you believe Supernatural is turning 200 already? I feel like it was just yesterday that I started guiltily watching The CW’s then fledgling horror-drama. If you’ve seen previews for the 200th episode, airing Tuesday night you already know that the episode will be a meta musical episode based on the book series within the series written by Carver Edlund (a.k.a. “Chuck”).

Entertainment Weekly did a behind the scenes sneak peek (which I sadly can’t embed), and here’s what I can gather about the episode. After debating whether or not “there’s a case” — because they’ve made it to 200 episodes, why divert from form now — Sam and Dean arrive at an all girls school preparing to put on a musical on the guys lives called “The Road So Far.” In the video, Jared Padalecki says that the episode “is almost a salute to the fans,” and I was like, LOL almost? Even for a series that has become notorious for catering to the fans, this is like, taking things to a whole new level.

Eh, I’ll keep an open mind going in, I guess. Supernatural usually pulls off their humor episodes pretty well, even when they’re winking a little too hard at the audience. If they really wanted to please fans though, maybe they’ll finally tell us what the hell happened to Chuck. If you’ll recall, in the season five finale it was strongly suggested that the writer/prophet was god and then never brought up again until Castiel suggested a few seasons later that he was probably dead.

One thing we definitely do know, however, is that the episode will at some point feature a rendition of “Carry On My Wayward Son,” so thank goodness for that.

Here’s the episode promo in case you missed it: