This Cheerleader’s Mom Seems Rational

This past Saturday, the first annual Louisiana High School Athletic Association Cheer and Dance Competition was held in Lake Charles, LA and I can only assume that the spirit fingers were in full effect. The first event drew an impressive 1,302 competitors, but almost a week later, it’s not the cheerleaders that we’re talking about. Nope, it was just one insanely intense cheer mom that stole the entire show and became an instant star.

The unnamed mom, who was at the competition cheering on her daughter from Archbishop Hannan High School, has done little to squash the stereotype that parents of young, competitive girls are insane, but I’m pretty glad that we have women like this in our lives. In fact, I think YouTube user “capita01” sums up my feelings best with this comment:

“i want her to step on my balls.”

Truer words have never been said. Video after the jump.