George R.R. Martin Denies The Craziest ‘Game Of Thrones’ Fan Theory

George R. R. Martin took yet another break from killing everything we love and writing The Winds of Winter to promote the book The World of Ice & Fire and give an interview to HuffPo. He revealed which one of the strange Game Of Thrones fan theories he considers to be the craziest of all.

“From my point of view, the craziest one is the people who believe that I’ve actually finished all of the books, and I’m just sitting on them for some reason in order to get more money or increase the value, you know, to release them an appropriate point,” said Martin. “That’s a pretty crazy one, but there seem to be people who actually believe that.”

Considering he’s missing out on Season Five to finish The Winds of Winter, we’re inclined to believe him. Meanwhile, he didn’t deny any of the other theories going around (R + L = J forever!), but he has said in the past that some fans have correctly predicted the ending. Oh man, we hope the fan theory HuffPo references about the show being in the same universe as Friends ends up being true. We already have the mashup to go with it, and this would finally provide context for that really confusing Friends episode, “The One Where Ross Gets His Junk Cut Off”.

Via HuffPo