All The ‘Superbad’ Quotes You Should Still Be Using Every Day

From the relatable characters struggling with teen life before college, to the the off-kilter relationships between unlikely friends — i.e. McLovin and the police — Superbad is a movie people quote when trying to describe the ridiculousness in their own lives. So here I’ve conveniently gathered all the Superbad quotes you should be still be using in everyday conversation.

“I am McLovin!” — Fogell

Everyday use: When you become a new person.

“F*ck me, right?” — Seth

Everyday use: When you’re aware of your insignificance.

“You look like Aladdin.” — Evan

Everyday use: When your friends need fashion advice.

“I will!” — Seth

Everyday use: When a good time is ahead of you.

“One name, who are you, Seal?” — Evan

Everyday use: When someone’s nickname needs help.

“Something like 8% of kids do it, but whatever.” — Seth

Everyday use: When you’re justifying your weird tendencies.

“It’s in!” — Fogell

Everyday use: When you achieve your goals.

“Old enough… to party.” — Fogell

Everyday use: When they don’t want to let you into the club.

“Chicka, chicka-yeah, fake I.D.” — Fogell

Everyday use: When things are looking up.

“People don’t forget.” — Seth

Everyday use: When you need people to forget.

“Uh, it’s 10:33.” — Fogell

Everyday use: When you’re caught off guard.

“It’s you, McMuffin.” — Homeless guy

Everyday use: When your friend’s nickname needs a ribbing.

“Prepare to be f*cked by the long dick of the law.” — Officer Michaels

Everyday use: When you see people breaking the law.

“You used my leg as a tampon!” — Seth

Everyday use: When you have to do laundry twice in the same week.

“We should be guiding your cock, not blocking it.” — Officer Michaels

Everyday use: When you’re getting in the way.

“I assume you all have guns and crack.” — Officer Michaels

Everyday use: When you’re the most responsible one at a party.

“Oh no, it’s the cops.” — Officer Slater

Everyday use: When you’re given some authority.

“No one’s gotten a hand job in cargo shorts since ‘Nam.” — Seth

Everyday use: When you need a new wardrobe.

“So I gotta sit here and eat my dessert alone like I’m F*cking Steven Glansberg.” — Seth

Everyday use: When you’re not used to being on your own.