Why Was This French-Bashing ‘Weekend Update’ Joke Cut From Last Week’s ‘SNL’ Episode?

We know that certain sketches get cut from dress rehearsal all the time on Saturday Night Live, even though some of them are better than everything else on the episode, but as one might expect, jokes get cut from “Weekend Update,” too. I don’t know that SNL has ever released a cut joke from from “Update” before, so this may be a first. They say it was cut for time, but I think we all know the truth: They cut it to avoid pissing off the French (you can hear a jeer just starting to made itself heard before the video cuts off).

Personally, I think I’d have kept this joke, and edited out Michael Che’s weirdly shoehorned thoughts on Bill Cosby and the bizarre decision to equate Michael Richards’ racist rant with Cosby’s rape allegations.