‘The Walking Dead’ Cast Brings Us The Touching Thanksgiving Story We’ve Been Waiting For

When you think of The Walking Dead, you mostly think of fierce zombie killers who will go to any lengths to survive, even if it sometimes cost the lives of strangers. But outside of Robert Kirkman’s dystopia of death, destruction, and cannibalism, the cast of The Walking Dead are also incredibly good, generous people who care about strangers. That’s evident every other day on Norman Reedus’ Twitter feed, where it’s obvious the guy never turns down an opportunity to give an autograph, chat with a fan, or even interact with the The Walking Dead audience on social media.

But this story, which comes from Reddit user chbailey442013 typifies just how kind and thoughtful the cast of The Walking Dead is.

My best friend’s daughter is currently in the Aflac Cancer Center recovering from chemo from a rare form of brain cancer and he told me this story that I thought would be enjoyed by this sub. A few days ago some of the cast members visited the ward, but he doesn’t watch the show, so he didn’t know who all was there. While they were visiting, one of the kids said they would love to watch the show, but the TV’s in the rooms were too small for them to see clearly from their bed. As a result, the cast brought brand new nice LCD TV’s for all of the rooms in the entire Children’s Cancer Center. I just really thought this was an awesome thing for them to do. I know the cost of the TV’s were just a drop in the bucket for them, but to #1) take time out of their schedules to visit a bunch of child cancer patients and #2) to do a small something to ease their suffering…..well I think that is pretty damn cool.

Now that is amazing: Not only did they show up, but they gave them one of life’s greatest gifts: Television. We should be thankful to have such good people in real life playing characters on the most popular TV show in America (but maybe don’t show the kids in the cancer ward The Walking Dead until they’re older).

Source: Reddit