Charles Barkley On Eric Garner: ‘I Don’t Think That Was A Homicide’

You’ll be shocked to learn that Charles Barkley has yet another scorching hot take on an issue in America. In an interview with CNN’s Brooke Baldwin, Barkley addressed the Eric Garner case and the use of lethal force while making an arrest.

(Barkley made these comments before the grand jury reached a decision)

“I don’t think that was a homicide. I think the cops were trying to arrest him and they got a little aggressive. I think excessive force — something like that — but to go right to murder?”

“The notion that white cops are out there just killing black people is ridiculous. It’s just flat-out ridiculous. I challenge any black person to try to make that point. Cops are absolutely awesome. They’re the only thing in the ghetto from — between — this place being the wild, wild west. So this notion that cops are out there killing black men is ridiculous.”

These comments come on the heels of Barkley calling Ferguson looters “scumbags” and “not real black people.” Barkley has said time and time again that he doesn’t care what people think of him. He’ll say what he wants, whenever he wants, regardless of consequences.

Barkley Uncensored coming to a cable station near you.