Larry David Might Be Finished With ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ Because You Hated The ‘Seinfeld’ Finale

Chunnel truther Larry David joined Bill Simmons on the B.S. Report to discuss his new Broadway play, Fish in the Dark, and also some television programs you might be familiar with, Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm. One’s definitely finished, the other’s possibly done, though incidentally, if there isn’t going to be another season of Curb, it’s partially because of Seinfeld.

David: I guess the odds would be against [another season of Curb]. I guess, right now, the odds would be against it, probably 6 to 1.

Simmons: Couldn’t it maybe end with one last 90-minute — actually, it wasn’t even 90 minutes — an 80-minute mockumentary that wraps it up? That’s a possibility.

David: Well, you know, I got so much grief from the Seinfeld finale, which a lot of people intensely disliked, that I no longer feel a need to wrap things up.

Simmons: That’s interesting. So you’re still mad about that?

David: I wouldn’t say I’m mad about it, but it taught me a lesson that if I ever did another show, I wasn’t going to wrap it up. (Via)

Later on:

Simmons: What did you think was the most unfair criticism of the Seinfeld finale?

David: I don’t know, because I don’t remember anything specifically.

Simmons: But you were mad about it.

David: I know that people hated it.

Simmons: I don’t think people hated it.

David: They were disappointed. A lot of people were disappointed. (Via)

There’s no reason David should feel pressure into writing more Curb — he’s got enough money to buy seven lifetime’s worth of Palestinian chicken, and the last two seasons were arguably the show’s finest. Which is exactly why it’s so frustrating that Curb might be finished.

It’s pretty, pretty, pretty good.

Via Grantland