A TV Camera Caught A Group Of Bills And Packers Fans Fighting In The Stadium Parking Lot

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A local news station was on the scene in Buffalo following the Bills’ 21-13 win over the Packers on Sunday when a group of opposing fans began wrestling each other right in front of the camera. If you look very closely, you can almost make out what was being said between the two main participants. I’m not the best lip reader, but I’ll give it a shot.

Gentleman in Packers jersey: “The Bills are a good team and I congratulate your entire fanbase on a quality win. I am sober.”
Gentleman in dark-colored coat: “I agree with your assessment and accept your congratulations. To celebrate, I will pull your hoodie over your head and I invite my friends to come over and help me. I too am sober, but could use a belt. I am fat.”
Gentleman in Packers jersey: “Nonsense. You look perfect. I love you.”

Don’t you just love it when two fanbases can come together like that? It warms my heart, especially around the holidays.

[Busted Coverage]