The Best Celebrity Twitter Reactions To News Of ‘The Interview’ Being Canceled

Remember June of 2014? Such innocent, quaint times we lived in. North Korea was like, “No seriously guys, if you release that fictional comedy about the two clown reporters trying to assassinate Kim Jong-Un, we’ll get like really super mad,” and the United States and Sony Entertainment were all like, “LOL OK!

Well flash forward to six months later, and as we all know by now, Sony has indeed pulled The Interview, and the whole thing is just equal parts insane, infuriating, and surreal. While a lot of people are just confused as to what’s going on (at least one-third of my Facebook feed thinks it’s some kind of elaborate publicity stunt), the people of Hollywood are not taking this lying down. So in the aftermath, many actors, writers and comedians have gone to Twitter to express their outrage. Here’s some of the funniest and most poignant responses we’ve seen so far.

<3 u, Billy Eichner

Here’s one from upcoming UPROXX Senior Entertainment Writer, Mike Ryan:

Oh what was I saying earlier?