(Spoilers be roamin’ here…)
Daryl Dixon has had his fair share of tragedies in the saga of The Walking Dead. He lost his brother, found his brother, then lost his brother again. No matter how hard he tried, he was never able to find Sophia alive (even with a growing collection of zombie ears). Then, came the finale of season five’s first half, when his newfound drinking buddy, Beth, had her head blown off. Immediately, you could see the anguish wash over the face of Daryl Dixon, even as he fired his weapon in revenge — the combination of deathly body blows seemed to have starched his fighting spirit.
In a new interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Norman Reedus shared a little insight into what we can expect with the younger Dixon brother, following Beth’s demise, when The Walking Dead returns in February:
I think it puts him into a depression. Sophia was like hope. You remember Glenn saying, ‘This is Sophia!’ It was different. She was the bright hope of the future. It was an honest and true person.
Reedus continued, explaining that Beth’s death is an event that may change the course of our merry band of apocalypse survivors:
Beth’s death is like Sophia’s; she sings songs and was always hopeful. Of course she tried to kill herself at one point, but besides that, for the most part, she was this sweet songbird, and that represents a part of humanity that you don’t see anymore. So when you put that candle out, it goes dark for everyone.
Just how “dark” it gets remains to be seen, but with rumors swirling about whispering zombies and new antagonists, the second half of season five may be the most anguish-ridden struggle thus far.