Patriotic Theatergoers Sang ‘Proud To Be An American’ Before Watching ‘The Interview’

I don’t even like it when people clap in a movie theater, but I can respect the emotional spark that led to the bonfire of patriotism that can be seen in the above video, in which patrons celebrate ‘Murica at the Alamo Drafthouse before a screening of The Interview by singing “Proud to be an America”.

Just a few days ago, these people had been told they couldn’t see Seth Rogen and James Franco’s butt humor/cinematic thinkpiece on North Korea, but now they were about to view the film after Sony and a few theater chains decided to defy the threats levied on them by North Korean hackers. So yeah, pump up the Lee Greenwood. Why not?

As for me, I watched the film on YouTube while splitting a plate of generic pizza rolls with Elgin my pet eagle and ironically wearing a Dennis Rodman jersey. So I win. USA! USA! USA!

(Source: Gawker)