If you were to ask me what the best title sequences of 2014 were, I’d probably name check True Detective (if only because Key & Peele has hammered that one home so hard this season) and then draw a blank before ranting about how interminably long that Dexter title sequence used to be. To me, title sequences are mostly those things before TV shows that I fast forward through, except for Justified (because I will never grow tired of the theme song). That’s why we look to the experts in the field, Art of the Title, a site devoted exclusively to title sequence design in the film, television, conference, and videogame industries.
They know what’s up, even if their favorite title sequence of the year also happens to be for one of the most disappointing shows of the year. They have fantastic write-ups of all the title sequences they ranked this year, and you should read them if you’re interested in that sort of thing. But if you just want to know what they thought were the best title sequences of the year, here’s their top 10, which includes a couple of title sequences from conferences, though I will grant that they are very cool sequences.
10. Alien: Isolation (video game)
9. Godzilla (movie)
8. Semi-Permanent Sydney 2014 (conference)
7. Manhattan (TV show)
6. Playgrounds Festival 2014 (conference)
5. Captain America: Winter Soldier (movie)
4. The Lego Movie (movie)
3. True Detective
2. Too Many Cooks (TV)
1. Halt and Catch Fire (TV show)
Source: Art of the Title