Not Even Jerry Can Ruin The Cover To Entertainment Weekly’s Farewell To ‘Parks And Recreation’

Entertainment Weekly will soon release their “2015 Winter TV Preview” and it looks like they are giving a proper send-off to the series they once called “TV’s Smartest Sitcom”.

The premiere of the 7th and final season of Parks and Recreation is right around the corner. Sure, I may still be a bit letdown by NBC’s decision to burn off the new episodes, but we’ve still waited quite a while for Leslie Knope and the gang to return. Paul Rudd will be reprising his role as Bobby Newport, Andy will apparently be hosting a ninja themed TV series, we’ll be treated to a peek into the future and, hell, I’d be remiss if I didn’t include my personal need for more Ron Swanson in my life.

By the looks of things, Jerry (Larry/Gary/Terry?) just seems really excited to be on the cover of the dang magazine. Really, Jerry?

Dammit, Jerry!